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Message from Mayor Ron Nirenberg

Dear Neighbors,


Building the city we deserve requires that we dream big and face our challenges head on. With 1.1 million new residents expected to be living in our city by 2040, both the opportunities and challenges facing our city will grow. Thanks to the SA Tomorrow Plan, a blueprint for our city’s future, city leaders are growing our city responsibly and sustainably. The plan also offers an opportunity for us to educate and engage our K-12 students. What ideas do they have to help us tackle our future challenges?

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Working with local non-profits, educators, and community leaders, for the seventh year we will sponsor SA Smart: The Mayor’s K-12 Smart City Challenge.  In 2024, students will propose ways to improve environmental quality in San Antonio.  As students pursue the challenge, they will learn science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) content through STEM and STEAM (STEM+Arts) experiences, and may engage topics in entrepreneurship, civics and policy.  They’ll learn how to critically analyze problems, work with mentors and peers, and communicate findings—all critical skills in the 21st century economy.  It will be my privilege to award the winning student team the seventh Mayor’s Smart City Cup

The city we deserve is one that encourages our children to learn, work, play and live in San Antonio.  This program is one more step toward building that city, where today's students are tomorrow's future leaders!  I encourage you to join us.

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